090509 saturday. we started preparing the food from afternoon. eldest bro came early, non stop asking when the food can be served :p both of us are newbie, super slow in everything keke.. while sis was cooking the rojak kuah, i non stop cutting n chopping, garlic la, onion la, cucumber, cabbage, apples, watermelon.. oh ya, the 4 big brown sotong. bro in law bruce helped us in preparing the cincau drink, maid kakak helped much in washing n cleaning in the kitchen. sis cooked under pressure, can see her face hor, so stressed! relax la.. she said, so many ppl she got tension n her brain shut off! :p mama came to the kitchen wanna helped out, or giving advise, being halau by sis ooo.. 'ma, ni qu shui la, qi lai jiu ke yi chi le' (ma, u go to sleep la, when u wake up u can eat already) mama also :p kekeke..
salad prawn also nice ooo..
mango yogurt ice cream by sis
click >> here for recipe
this blended thingy, so yummy especially with chocolate chips
pic by sis
2nd bro with angels
grandma, kai ma, gogo, dasao, laogong
royee in the kitchen 'royee, eat la, eat the crabstick'
with the face, 'so hot, how to eat, wait ma' :S
muka serupa :p
while sitting n eating, mama told grandma, 'u see, me n apple (my dad) 2 of us, can bring so many children and grandchildren..' last time i cooked for them, now they cook for me, n taste so nice!' my kai-ma (my mama's sis) 'their cooking got your taste n style!' can see SMILE in mama's face n happy to see all of us happily gathering. simple makan makan with LOVE. as what royee mentioned 'oh ya, i know who is not here already, wai gong! (grandpa)' yes, papa didnt join us, he was having something with his friends.. hope the coming father's day, we can do something special for papa too! :)
on sunday morning, i baked orange poppyseed muffins to my mama n bbb. bbb love it. mama told grandma 'wahhh.. last time i learned n baked for them, now my daughter baked cakes for me! hmmm taste not bad' :D happy lo..
brought 3 for my colleague in the office, n wished them
Aiyoh...the rojak and garlic prawn looks so nice! Mouth-watering.
happy mother's day to u! wow, u and ur sis can cook lah! btw, where do u buy poppyseeds?
温馨小屋 : bkt31 is our house in klang bukit tinggi. can visit the blog here >>> bkt31.blogspot.com :p
Tinky Winky: this time, the garlic herb butter is so nice ooo :p more lemon inside, so it is nice to eat with seafood :D
Kristie: we r learning only la. poppyseeds come in package. in fact, just found out jusco has lots dried food to buy :D
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