Monday, December 12, 2011


today I written quite a lot of 12/12/2011 on office documents ^^ nice number combination :)

morning when I reached the office I got this new stack of doc on my table. yo! don't want to stress myself, so I try to take it 'easy' :p

supervisor shared this black sesame pau with me.. I took it for morning tea break. nope, eating and working together :S

lunch time I ate my mama homecook at the office breakout area. after eating, I went to the Christmas tree and added some ting ting tong tong. set some level of stress off ^^

continue working till 7pm+ angel called and asked me to go back early. she is having mouth ulcers. complaining cannot drink, cannot eat :p

well, I left office as it. millions RM of doc can't be processed coz lacking of info. not going to touch them tomorrow, coz tomorrow I will be on mc ^^

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