Monday, January 26, 2009

cny day-1

since angels were sick, we changed our plan to stay at bkt31. cny day 1 in banting. mama told papa 'wahhh, 1st time our house is so happening with our children n grandchildren' ^_^ digo woke up early in the morning, then we all eating breakfast together. roti canai kosong. papa was so excited to have roti canai as breakfast, he even planned about it in the day before, n counted how many pieces :p
papa - wearing white, baru ONG :p
n royee n angel

2nd uncle n family visited our house

angel was moody, cried in the next pictures :~

hehe mama n baby

royee said 'zui du du'
1st day of cny, hmmm, nothing much for me. phobia to angels vomitting n diarrhea :~