they sleep early. coz my mum n kakak tak tahan 3 of them non stop bising :p sometime they sleep before 9am. then, they wake up early. most of the time, they wake up before 7am, before my alarm clock ring~!!! hmmm.. then 3 of them laying on the bed, normally royee will sleep between my 2 legs. just dont want him to disturb the sisters. 1 day, royee complained, mummy, i dont want to sleep on your lap already la, it is hard, then painful.. hmmm so demanding ooo..
this morning, while playing with them on the bed, my alarm clock rang.. then royee said, mummy, your phone singing already. heheh cute, i told him, the alarm clock is ringing, is time for mummy to go shower n prepare to go to work lo. then brought him out to watch tv, then angel n eva will follow. busy morning, but feel happy lo~
last nite 3 buai in the room. 1 by 1 i change the sleeping suit for them then put in the buai. ask them to say good nite to each other, n kiss me. hmmm sweet~ then, i sitting on the bed, adjust the buai, so their heads or legs wont kena each other. then right leg swing angel's buai, left hand for royee's buai, right hand for eva's buai. was hoping kakak wont come in at that time, my posing must be very funny n odd :p then start the karaoke session. sing those children songs.. sometime, royee would say 'chang hao hao lai (sing properly), mei you jiang zi chang de (cannot sing like this one)' then i will say 'we have this song la, mummy not simply sing la' then have to make a story that can explain the song, with suitable tones n facial expression.
last nite 3 of them slept before 10pm. thot to copy all the photos in my camera to the laptop, n post few blogs for u. felt tired pula. so sleepy. then called u up. wahhh.. now start drinking beer hor. pls jaga badan ok? liver la, heart la, whatever la.. all jaga baik baik. u said, if can get job in kl then ok or not? ya, of course, i want u to come back n stay with us ma. u make the decision la, i always support u ^_^ last nite, i asked royee, do u miss papa? he said yes. i told him, papa working at far far place lo, to earn money ma.. then royee said 'mummy also works n earn money ma' 'ya, papa n mama also work hard n earn money lo, with money can send u all to school to study n buy things for u all lo, so u must be good boy ok? dont always disturb gal gal ok?' - ok :")
last nite, when i was busy changing sleeping suit n buat milk for them, royee was picking up the toys that to the basket. full floor of toys, he cleared it! it was a surprise to me! i felt so happy n proud of him. something like, 'oh, at last u sudah insaf ar?' kekekee :p then came to me with the basket, 'mummy, all the toys are inside the basket already' 'ya! good boy, thank you royee!!' then he smiled to me :) nowadays, i always tell him not to do things that ar not right. normally i would say this 'is this rite? is this X?' (must showed the X sign to tell that this is wrong to do) 'where is your brain?' 'inside the hair' 'no, your brain is inside your head (tou ke), use your brain to think! think! think! (point to the head, like winnie the pooh) is the things u r going to do is da cha (crossed) or not. if da cha, then cannot do. when u grow bigger, when u r adult, if u do the X things, then policemen will catch u n bring u to the police station, understand?' 'understand. cannot do X things de' 'is disturbing gal gal playing is X things?' 'yes' 'so can do or not?' 'no!' almost everyday i repeat this things, few times a day sometime, but he still loves to disturb angels when they are happily playing the toys or eating biscuits. hmm...
today is 01.07.2008 1st day of july. 1st day of the 2nd half of year 2008. today the electricity bill or tariff naik. the erl train montly pass naik from rm225 tp rm285! heard the news this morning, loan interest for car purchase going to naik (or sudah naik?)... hmmm semua pun naik. happy news is, today toy'r'us at suria klcc grand opening, got special promotion. plan to buy puzzle n blocks for bbb. see la, if rajin, then after office hours, then will go to klcc. or go there on friday lunch time. with educational toys, can bring benefits to bbb, n can kill some noisy n fighting hours when 3 of them are together. these few days the maid looks tired, maybe quite tiring to jaga our bbb >.<
today is 01.07.2008 1st day of july. 1st day of the 2nd half of year 2008. today the electricity bill or tariff naik. the erl train montly pass naik from rm225 tp rm285! heard the news this morning, loan interest for car purchase going to naik (or sudah naik?)... hmmm semua pun naik. happy news is, today toy'r'us at suria klcc grand opening, got special promotion. plan to buy puzzle n blocks for bbb. see la, if rajin, then after office hours, then will go to klcc. or go there on friday lunch time. with educational toys, can bring benefits to bbb, n can kill some noisy n fighting hours when 3 of them are together. these few days the maid looks tired, maybe quite tiring to jaga our bbb >.<
just now agency called me. the medical checkup for the kakak has been ok. the passport is ready for collection. she asked how's our maid? i said ok lo.. can do work lo.. the agent asked me, 'dont spoil her har!' hmmm spoiled ar? i donno. i think we r not strict to her. only strict when she tak makan 'pergi makan sekarang, nanti budak bangun kamu takde masa nak makan' i think, sooner or later, kakak will going to be my size. makan saja! ahhahaha.. kakak told my mum, come here, she can try many foods that she never try before. even roti canai kosong, she loves it, makan 2 keping :p
just now, met my ex-colleague at food court, she showed my tummy with the message 'u pregnant ar?' i said no.. then she buat the face 'aiyo!' hmmm ya ya ya, my tummy is always that big ok, my team member comfort me, aiya, u got twins me, different. but then, my twins pun sudah mau 2 years old oo.. sometime ppl offering me seat on train :( i said 'it's ok' 'come la sit here, kan u pregnant kan' hmmmm.. dont know how to answer, ppl is sincere, then i duduk. feel guilty to sit actually, coz i am not pregnant!!! ai.. when la my tummy gonna become smaller.