Thursday, April 03, 2014

0304 Thursday


Terbalik dah!

What a day start. You can imagine how I started my morning with my children. No water supply at home, take bath in my bath room with not so clean water, then brush my teeth in the kitchen with cleaner water. Children take bath in angels room. Looking for royee's sport wear which we couldn't find it last night and day before. Morning sewing for the big hole on royee's uniform pant.

Pack some nice pastry yesterday from the office. This morning rushing to heat up few pieces so children can taste Nutella chocolate spread as I promised day before. A kelam kabut start of the day with my cloth in reversed state, understandable @_@

Malu la! Laogong said 'how come you do this to yourself' well, shall I reply 'I just wanted an extraordinary start of my day!' ^0^

Today children are wearing yesterday unwashed uniforms to the school. The house water tanks been empty. How long this gonna be? The washroom is smelly. Inconvenient in the kitchen washing. Hmmm. Plan to bring children school uniforms and shoes back to my mum's house for a good washing.

Attending 3-days program management training session. Insight thought I got from the 1st day.

Pen off here. Another station away the I shall rush in the rest room and get my shirt reversed :p can't wait for it, this situation made me uneasy.

Sharing this pieces, which inspiring me this morning :)

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