Tuesday, February 07, 2012

happy thaipusum

to you :)

very nice colours combination. I like.

end of cny for 2012... so everything should be back to normal.

many things I want to do and learn, many changes I feel to make. the most important thing is, I want to get my body healthy! my internal body seems to be in a very red alert stage so the signals appear in my tongue and finger nails :~

你舌苔厚有齿印,说明脾虚,脾最忌水湿,只有脾功能强健了,才能化水湿,生气血。脾功能虚弱了,就容易生痰,一遇肝火,必然上升到脸上,以长痘痘的形式出现。舌头应该是胖大吧,如果是舌尖红,那是心火过旺,容易失眠多梦, 熬夜不休息,最容易造成肝火旺,肝血虚。不知道你眼睛干涩模糊不?还有四肢手脚无力,月经推迟,说明你有点气虚的倾向了。

the above, I found in the Internet, talking about depletion of our body spleen which is very important to do job in regards to our red blood cells and body immune system. so my to-do list is, make my spleen more healthier :D

ta-da! this is cute to share.

well, pen-off 1st. i want to enjoy my last day of these 4 days long weekend.

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