Thursday, July 17, 2014


Super sleepy from day to night, after the kitchen cleaning and the living hall sweep and mop, and yet, I can't fall asleep. Can't sleep well at night. Just wanted to do more and more to realise what are in my mind. Managed to catch some nice sleep at perth.

Been preparing my Friday cell group sharing in these few days. Reading few sermon sharing during lunch time. The more queries popping up, the more I study the bible and understand the God's words. No wonder people always saying, you don't wait for understanding the whole bible then only you become a Christian, if there is the case, till the day you die, you would not be one ;)

Yes, last time my 'ambition' was to be a Christian. A Christian who loves to sing hymns in the church as I enjoy the harmony and peaceful atmosphere in the church. I wouldn't know there are so much do's and don't's in Christianity. When I got baptised, what was with me at that time - believe. Believe that through son of God - Jesus Christ, my sin would be forgiven and cleansed, I can go to the heaven. Day by day, from not so serious Christian - not living out those do's and don't's, or from uncertainty, well, not to say I am the good one now, anyhow, it is getting better to try to be a good one ^^

People may say there are so much rules and laws set in Christianity. At initial stage, I found it that way too. Sometime I was doubtful on those 'statements' stated in the bible or from other church members sharing. When day passing by, when I got to know more about bible teaching, I would find 'the freedom from the not-so-freedom不自由的自由'. When you know what you been getting from God, who is The Lord, who is the saviour.. The more you understand and affirm the uncertainty, the more you found those so called rules, are nothing to be compared to the real peace and joy, the promises on eternal life you received from the holy one. 'Automatically' you obey God's words just because your heart loves to.

I told my sis, this is not a good example, I am quite often reluctant to share this good news to my very closed family members, as I worry people may have the thought - 'come on, she started again her God's story' but when come to the time, when I see my loved one are in anxiety, stressful, no peace and joy in their hearts, I just wanted to share this gospel to them, with hope, people surrounding me can have the faith towards our tomorrow, to have the peace and joyful hearts, to know the purpose of our living, to see love in this world, to feel secured with the eternal love from the sole holy one.

This hymn popping in my mind tonight.. English translation at my level best^^

There is a God
Having the power to create the universe
And yet a pair of tender hands to comfort the hurt souls

There is a God
Having the authority to judge all evil crimes
And yet considerate the weak with his mercy

有一位神 我们的神
唯一的神 名叫耶和华
有权威荣光 有恩典慈爱
There is a God, our God
The only God, His name is Jehovah
Having power authority,
Grace and love
The God for yesterday, today and forever more

There is a God
Sitting higher at the glory seat
But yet die on the cross to save deprived people

If you are feeling lonely, in fear, at your weakness, seeking strength for going through your daily life, wanting peace in your heart.. Just close your eyes, speak to The Lord, praying in Jesus name. You are not alone, God is be with us. What you need to do is to quiet your heart, and listen to His calling. Jesus loves you and me.

God bless^^

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