Friday, November 23, 2012

23112012 Green Friday

there are lots of Malaysian are in green lately and this weekend, gonna be at the peak!

appealing for a more peaceful, clean and transparent country to allow people in the country to be heard, to allow our next generation have what they suppose to be gifted from the Mother Nature. the people voices can be small, but the roaring from the hearts are strong and firm!

last night I couldn't sleep. bcoz of the cup of Nescafé for my lunch, and bcoz of the thinking of, women happiness. so many roles holding by a woman, not all the roles you are satisfy with who you are or good at it. but no matter how, as a woman, put yourself as priority. since the happiness is not solely can come from your man, then just searching happiness from other sources.

find for your happiness and enjoy your life to the fullest! :)


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