Saturday, January 07, 2012

helping hands

yesterday, 11am till nearly 5pm we were working with the boxes.

60 boxes of 500 sets/box = 30,000 envelops to be working on for our office floor.

the organiser showing us what to do..

it is a voluntary job to help Malaysia association of blind to prepare the donation note to te public

insert a reply envelop to the leaflet then put in a bigger envelop with the mailing address pre-stickered.

this is small team of us in the office are.

very big team of our floor mates, project managers and end users (always ask her to do work, now we seek their support :p) at breakout area.

what we gained? self satisfaction, spiritual satisfaction, calorie burned (I stand for few hours), ponteng from work, enjoy team spirit and group of ppl hit chatting and won't get boss complained :D

our helping hands, seem to be a nice and yummy tiramisu piece to ppl in need and let their hearts feel warm and let their smile be sweet ^^

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