Monday, September 07, 2009

bbb medical checkup

chosse a saturday when royee's music class holiday. few days before, i been telling bbb i wanted to bring them for jap. 'the jap is for your health, good one' so they got themselves ready. went for hepatities-A immue jap and body checkup. another hep-a boost up after 6 mth, then no jap for them for few years after this. at last, complete everything. but this time medical checkup, i was a bit worried n down :( coz many issues n need our attentions.
20kg. slightly overweight. he is having night ashtma, when he is overweight, he need to catch his breath after exercise. then reflux problem that cause him as a habitual vomitter. then, must check immediately if he is having dylexia, before his formal kinder class started. hmm few mth to go. reduce watching tv time to 1 hour a day to improve his attention n focus
is tall. speaking not clear. need to go speeach speacialist if the speaking is still not ok. reduce watching tv time and encourage her to talk. the legs problem, need to go for another specialist to teach angel walking properly, but this dont need to go immediately, for time being, monitor her sitting posture. must sit like buddha. given medic for her reflux problem too.
16kg. slightly overweight. her left eye is still weak, althought the eye has improved. continue monitoring and consult eye specialist if needed.

while waiting for mummy to do pap smear

time flies. same seat, but mummy now no more pregnant, n bbb have grown up :p

eva :D

siblings having fun

doing funny faces
many things parents can help to do the correction when children are still young. so now i want to explore more on the related medical condition for bbb. and dont delay their treatments if they the treatments are needed to. money is 1 of the issues. so work hard la. junie asked, was i being too kanjiong or over sensitive about children development? ya, that's why i check with specialist, i dont want to sweap the problems under the carpet, coz time is the important element here. when it is the best time for treatment, better we do it now. in my ability, if i can change some of the conditions that might cause bad feeling or lacking of confidence to my children, then i would try my best to help them. to me, children edu n health issue, must start at right time and take full benefits of the golden ages.
anyway. am still worried on all these things.. hmmm..

1 comment:

Urology Surgery India said...

Great blog all the best