Sunday, February 01, 2009

cny day-7

cny day 7, everyone's bday. what a crazy nite for us.. in bkt31 :p read the short story >>> here
i dont censor those crazy photos, just showed the photos to mummy, n read sis's blog, we were non stop laughing here hahahhaa.. see la, later i showed the photos to kakak, let us gila again :p

' yee sang' without fish

'will do this every year' told sis

bon n mich n pooh n bruce

me n laogong

i looked guai guai de


the only cny deco in bkt31

crazy sisters :p

asked kakak to join us, she chose the bakul

sis told kakak 'huat is kaya, u mau kaya, cakap HUAT AHH!'

kakak was so paiseh :p she must thinking why my majikan ini macam punya kakaka

me n pooh switched..

this pic, kakak kena NG by sis. 'macam so takut'

tuan rumah bkt31 yang wu liao :p