this is 1 of the super big event in tiew's family. even we were wearing the same cloths for the ceremony, but compared to the funeral years back, this time, we are in happy n relax mood. ah gong is still in our heart ^_^ since mei asking about the ceremony photos, let me share with u the following photos, which taken by my handphone.
went to the ceremony at the evening after work. royee was at grandma's house. he saw me wearing blue cloths set. 'mummy, u r wearing blue color de, i am wearing green color de, teacher said, if they are not the same, then they are 'different'! (the whole sentence he speaking in mandarin, except colors and 'different') 1st time, he mentioned about 'difference' in english. i got suprised on this. ya, children learning everyday, n this mummy cant be able to catch it.
uncles n unties love to play around with royee. auntie asked 'royee, why only u alone wearing green color shirts, we all wearing blue n white' royee answered 'bu shi (no).. u all are big man, i am small man, small man wearing green color la' i love his logic :p while in the prayer, auntie called, 'royee, royee, why u...' with the sarcastic face, royee said 'i am shone jay thea royee la' our group laughed at this, ya, of course, the shifu in front n papa 'shhhhh!!!!!' :p wondering why, recently he likes to answer ppl any question with his own full name. my parents love to ask this 'royee, why your name is so long de? why shone jay thea royee?' 'my name is very long de la~ because i am shone jay thea royee ma.. cheng luo yi!' love this, sounds like he appreciate his name that given by his papa n mama :p