royee is sick. fever n coughing. angel is noisy. as usual. eva loves to disturb ppl. very the chicky one. early morning sudah dirotan by my mum. hit lightly, cry loudly. LOVE them much!! yesterday, came in my mind 'what if i have another bb? i miss the tenderly touch by new born' hmmm wait for my sis in law's bb lo..
this morning received your phone call. talked so manja :p how i wish u were here. hmmm.. u said 'see u tomorrow~' i thot u betul betul come back by tomorrow ooo.. :( happy hor? last nite chat with eva. she non stop papa papa. only both of u talking, me tukang carry phone. hmmm next time u direct call their numbers la.. dare u hang up the phone once u said bye bye to eva..