hey happy 080808!! zhugong, am so excited rite now. last nite i couldnt sleep well, coz non stop thinking of my sis gonna get married today. ya, so happy for her! my sms to her at 08/08/2008 00:08 'an opening to the chapter of ever after :D congrates n enjoy this meaningful day of your life :D best wishes n best love to u n your beloved one :D '
mms that i received just now. they are now in klang hokkien association waiting for the big event. last nite i told my sis, the wedding gift am gonna give her is the express bus ticket to genting which cost rm8.30. then my sis said, no, all the expenses at genting gonna be on u! yes i dont want to let her know my preparation for her BIG day, i said no, only the bus ticket. then she said, am gonna to post in my blog, said 'my sis given me RM 8.30 GIFT for my wedding!'
hor! she is so bad oooo.. she didnt know that i also got contribution of the pooh flower bouquet ler. bruce called me n asked where to buy the little pooh. then i told him few places to look for it, then i also went around aeon bukit tinggi klang to look for pooh n contact bruce which shop have it ler. all on my sick leave ok! betul betul sick one, ok! by the way, am so happy for bruce to have the great idea on it!! great effort too, as he said, 'har? want to go one-utama ar? already went to many places already oooo' kekekee..
' 我以为他没买手花,原来还有惊喜,最重要的是POOH来的!哈!很可爱,很喜欢!呵呵'bruce sent me these photos. i found them soooo cute! only left 5 for the bigger pooh. then he asked me how? i said make it 8 lo. try to mix it. he said, where got ppl give 8 one. i said, 080808 ma.. 'u just simply say this to her la' kakakak.. i found this funny, bruce said 'why only left 5? why not 6? at least is half dozen ma..' i told him, dont make the flower bouquet too big, later my sis felt tired to carry it, then for sure she would raise her temper one.. hahahaha..
i found funny to see the lighter. as i told him, u dont only take pic of the pooh, u must let me know about the size. then lighter came out.. kekeke
loving pairs~tomolo me n sis will go genting highlands for myFM 10 anniversary concert. this sunday tiew's family will have makan makan at bukit jugra beggar's chicken restaurant. welcome bruce as new member to tiew's family! hehehe.. surprises r coming up to my sis.. i want to let her know, my 'rm8.30 bus ticket' is gonna be her unforgettable wedding gift ^_^