Then bbb talking about aids. Something mummy never think of and be prepared of.
So mummy talked about how aids transmit from one person to another. How a pregnant mother can transmit the HIV virus to the baby.
Royee: how can we prevent aids?
Thou shalt not commit adultery. (Exodus 20:14)
This came across my mind immediately as we talked about 10 commandment in Sunday school class last Sunday.
Then I explained to children, how 1 HIV+ person transmit to his or her partner and how the chain route from 1 to 10, 10 to 100, and 100 to many many more.
Royee: if a wife don't have many partners, but how she prevents to get aids from her husband.
Hmm.. Detailed sex activity is not yet a open topic in my sex education syllabus @_@ I don't think this is the right time to share on condom usage for healthy sex.
The answer for royee 2nd question, 'no, once your husband got it, if you have sexual relationship with him, then you will get it. So make sure you and your partner is having healthy lifestyle'
Hook up to google, basically I am doing good in explaining the overall topic for aids. Just hoping I can be more prepared for those unexpected question from kids in the future.