Friday, July 08, 2011


e-ha! Dorae-baba is here! hehe doraemon + alibaba :p

konichiwa! o-genki desu ka?
genki desu! anatawa ekaga desuka?

:D this is what I teach my bbb in this raining morning. 'hello! how are you?' 'good! how about u?' in Japanese language. if I am not mistaken la har :p

sometime I would think that what I learnt in the past is very useful when I become a mummy. songs that I know, stories that I listened, news and silly jokes... all can be shared with bbb especially when I want them to sit still and behaved :p last night I shared with them why we eat rice dumplings in duanwu festival and day before, I told them the 3 dogs in my life ^^

this morning I read for them the news about the mad man went in the kinder with parang. hmmm the world is full of crazy news. look at the crying parents, can't imagine how they feel in the 6 hours - children get hurt? hungry? scared? hmmm sad.

today am in blue shirt n jeans. thinking of my left breast not feeling comfortable made me headache. one comes with another. well, life challenges, take them and overcome them, then feel the blessing and grace of God's love :)

morning half day having department communication session, afternoon half day will sit in auditorium to get inspired by Malaysian great woman.

no roadblocks today, what a surprise. see ya!

office laptop current autoset wallpaper :)

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