early morning, feel so reluctant to wake up. then pula don't know what happen to my new pair of contact lens or my eyes - I see four eyes! this is scary when after I put on the new contact lens and expect to have a crystal clear eyesight @_@ I got double vision with lens on! then I tried to put on and wash and change, even open another new pair of lens, still not ok! I ask my mama for eyes cleanser, then I clean my eyes then rest for a while, then don't know what happen, I got my old and new lens mixed up @_@ so kelam kabut and I SMS to my boss said I was not confirmed to work today... to end the story, I left the house with blur eyesight, but at least no more double vision. then slowly, the view got ok, just feeling the eyes are dry. just wonder, I am wearing new or old pair of lens @_@
reach the office late of course. with hungry stomach.. make a cup of milo and oats in the office - 4 tea spoons of milo and 3 scoops of organic plain oats.
big hot cup to start the messy morning ~@~
lunch time with my favourite nasi padpric with fried egg ^^
now is June. many projects need to achieve in this month. but then, when boss asked for any achievement in may, oh, I have no idea @_@ seem like busy in may, but, busy for nothing?!
ohhh... mind stuck and I am soooo sleepy. can't help myself to stay awake @_@ even after 3/4 cup of nescafé + tea :( so, after 1 + hours suffering time and consideration, I decided to go out buy biscuits to help me stay awake till evening.
I go to the mini mart opposite my office. on the way, I call up my sis. don't need to guess, this mummy-to-me non stop teasing me 'of course no achievement la, go out to buy biscuit during office hour' .. bla bla bla...
the mart is very small, but you have many things to choose..
and I got this.
sorry, my sis is definitely not a sincere caring person @_@
in fact, it was less than 5min thing. from go out to be back to my workstation. but the thing is, I feel better after this walk!! no more sleepy oooo..
so I keep the 'award-winning' biscuits in the container and continue working. and I do work very hard after that :D
just reached train station. body is aching, feel tired. exhausted last weekend. full 2 days of outing. but I learn a lot ^^ feeling happy with new experience and knowledge :)
legs swollen last night @_@
wanted to try this, see if my body can get in better condition ^^
miss laogong very much :( got surprise with his postcard too. today suppose to be our yearly love outing to Indonesia, but because of his project, we have cancelled the trip :( hope for better next year!