Thursday, May 19, 2011

gold coast - day1-2-3

e-ha! this gonna be simple travel log of the gold coast trip, pictures snapped with my iphone. more pictures n stories would be in my fb n my sis's blog ^^ sharing sharing ya!

at kl lcct airport. meal before boarding. the photo snapping session begins :p papa said, now I know why u need more memory cards for your camera, this also snap, that also snap :p

in the flight. 21:25 to 0710 we landed 15min early from scheduled, airasia repeated this few times :p 8 hours in the flight, feeling ok, don't feel boring compare to last time trip to perth. may be now I am 'ageing' can sleep tight in the flight :p oh ya, my doggie is traveling with me :D

reached gold coast, checked in hotel. feeling very cool if the wind blow. not all places n all the time feeling cool, so I don't wear coat, lazy ma..

1st day in gold coast free n easy before m after hotel checked in. we having breakfast at subway, $29 about rm95, 1st try for papa mama :) their evening our afternoon, we walk to the beach. wahhhhh... I love the BLUE! dinner we eat western food, steak n fish&chips n pasta, $57 or rm188 :p

1st day at gold coast. we have our yummy Australian nuts bar n hot tea at balcony n chit chatting. what we are talking about? we talk about craziness of youngsters nowadays can challenge everything exceed the max n they don't see the value of their precious lives. hmmm serious chat in this paradise city right :p

3rd day, dream world here we come! if u ask me, this would be more fun if bbb are around. those cartoon characters n ride games, more suitable for children. however, we enjoyed in the world too, can see wildlife, 3D movies (my mama tried to hide from the flying skull, coz it was too real :p) I love to see the baby kangaroo in the mummy's pocket :*

we went up to Q-deck or sky-point to have 360 degree spectacular view of gold coast. have free drink too! n it is really beautiful!

blue. cold. hot mocha.

2nd day dinner. my papa is very satisfied with this meal. he complained non stop eating sandwiches n chips. so this Chinese foods memang ngam la! 1fried rice + dish $10 consider cheap la compare to other foods and this is very filling.. very full instead.

you would see a loving husband looking for yummy tit bits for his tired wife who is resting in the hotel ^^ we shop at supermarket for cup noodles and tit bits :D n u can see I snapped pic for my children milk brand product. different design here n I like the mini packet design.

every night we pay a visit to pama's room, chit chatting :) but then, u can see us tired faces drag ourselves back to our room @_@ sis feeling guilty for eating much and her wedding dinner would be next weekend! she exercise in the room (secret revealed!) me normally do face mask n lotion moisturised my body skins. super dry!!

blogging from HERE! balcony if the hotel room in the good morning :)

completing this blog at the hotel entrance ^^

17052011 9:41 aus gold coast

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday colour~

guess what is in this vege soup?

mushroom + celery + tomato + onion soup ^^

this morning I saw my watch was in the tray plate on my workstation. oh! I forgot to wear my watch back home! n lucky thing is, the cleaner can place it nicely for me :D not like my poor sis, left the watch in the toilet, went back n checked, no more! a 2mth old bday gift watch ooo..

ok, eva at last getting better, after another cold icy water bath, then bum bum sub, she went to toilet twice... now she is sleeping tight... mummy doctor is quiet experienced :p

below pic taken last midnight, super high fever :(

can see her shaking shaking ooo sejukknya~~

YouTube Video

I love the way Eva handle herself when she is sick. she is an obedient patient n obey instruction well. no crying or being cranky. sleep most of the time n drink plenty of plain waters :) but then, when no sick, she is the most stubborn baby in bbb >.<



before we dive in the romance of loving couples preparing their wedding ceremony and the deco of the new room n the yummy foods for their wedding dinners... me n sis is preparing ourselves for this weekend gateway :D 6 days of flying away, n it would be the nice one especially when we fly with our papa n mama ^^

well, there are 2 important commitments I am going to handover the responsibilities to my trusted party..

my work :) btw, I just got my new laptop swapping in the office. finally I can't escape this :S I prefer to work with desktop, even at home, I will buy a desktop pc if I fully stay in bkt31. after many times n years 'no no no' now, I am with it. hmm so no reason for not 'working' in the meeting :p (shhh... I am always meeting with my iPhone only.. so I can do some 'more interesting' stuff :p)

ya, gonna leave my bbb for 6 days. laogong, kai ma, my Digo, maid sister will be taking good care of them. guess that my phone bill for roaming service will be a bomb then :p

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

sisters talk

never escape these 2 topics - lose weight n money for leisure :p

no matter how, trying yummy never stop even we have limited money to spend ;p

watermelon icy snow

hot dessert from dragon-i

cold dessert from honeymoon ^^ super cooling ;)

I love sister ^^

Monday, May 09, 2011

on mother's day ^^

nothing much special for this special day. 4 siblings shared money to buy a red handphone for my mama. then we ate steamboat together. laogong brought bbb to in law house. I stayed home to create sis wedding pic n mother's day videos. very hot sun, so I do lots of laundry. I slept from 3-6pm in the living hall. only me n maid at home, no disturbance, but many bad dreams :(

night time sis n I went to jusco to buy some gardening stuff n have cooling icy watermelon snow. reached home n waiting for bbb them together we went back banting home.

wish all mama, happy mother's day ^^

Friday, May 06, 2011

do u see rainbow?

hehe picture taken from Cameron highlands trip ^^

not sure if angel pant is smaller or what, can see from the pic, her bum bum is bigger than Eva ^0^

keke angel is shorter n fatter now.. pandai makan ooo.. Eva getting taller n slimmer.

my 2 sweet angels :)

the 3 naughty bbb ^0^ loving them much much oooo

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Thursday colour

am weak today, pale look but still come to work. at home lower abdomen pain, come to the office also pain, so no different. in the office still can settle pending work. hmmm.. thot of having the bum bum operation, my tummy pain would go away, but now it comes back. so I have not found out the root cause yet. might need to go for further investigation :(

serious diarrhoea till my bum painful :( hmmm 3 full days! if tonight still not getting ok, then I need to see doctor again. the combination of stomachache and period alike pain, killing me!

i always think of chicken rice from TCRS when I am feeling no well. weird huh? so today I got my lunch at chicken rice shop, a plate of rice, roasted chicken, n soup. I normally don't order the single set, coz I can't finish the bean sprout n the drink.

after lunch, think of the famous Amos cookies. years xmakan lo. using popular member card then I get extra 20% cookies. few pieces actually. see the bear bear? u get one if u buy 200g cookies. I bought 100g and jessie (my supervisor) bought 100g. she let me have the cutie bear ^^

my tea time. guess what the ingredients of this organic vege soup? celery+pumpkin+tomato ^^ light green + yellow + red then became this yummy soup

while busy working, my mind still thinking about this 'which kinder to send ya?' last weekend we went to klang methodist, decided to send them there. but last night, found out that pandamaran having methodist kinder too, which is much nearer to my house. hmm. ppl get headache n greedy when having choices...

very fast ooo.. royee going to be primary school student, n gal gal final year of kinder.

happy faces at banting methodist kinder ^^

3 things ^^

Thursday, April 28, 2011

old time

last nite, talked n talked, mum asked me to stop working 'bring all your children back to your home' hmm '50+ years old still need to take care all these children, when can I rest, life where got fun?' complaining loudly.. my heart being bang! I replied softly, 'next year, next year I will move out, bring 3 of them out n stay in klang' I was feeling upset, all sort of feeling in me. Digo told mum 'aiya, u talk only, later when they are away not even 1 week u gonna miss them again..'

don't know how to explain my feeling. i feel so sorry to trouble my parents, feel sorry to my children for being punished sometime just due to adult frustration, i feel sorry to laogong, for parents may look down or complain on him, due to me want to have secured environment for bbb edu..feeling sad for myself, coz my parents dont understand my feeling to stay with them n can company them too...just hoping when I am old, I would consider my words to my children, n don't hurt them intentionally.

many things we talked last night, n many stories are about me, 1 day will betray my parents n siblings. how sad it is. how I wish to tell them 'if I really did that in future, I was not betraying u all, but my God' hmm sometime, I would have that feel, you all get all the name for all the properties, then u all handle everything. don't imagine negatively about my character because of money matter. ppl who are care about money more than love, the trustworthy is not there.

mentally exhausted night.. I get myself a conclusion - the moral of the story is, talk less involve less suggest less on ppl issue. be like Eva, smile all the time when ppl talking to her.. then less issue n argument.

hmmm wonder why, most of the time my good intention being interpreted wrongly but ppl? manipulation of my good words is to protect ppl weakness n challenge my trueness? devils come out when money matter involved, when self benefits involved. I am not saint, but I really don't want to involve love in money matters. pls trust me in this n stop hurting me by saying 'what if 1 day u betray me..'

aaaa.. finished my breakfast sub n coffee, go to the office, start the month end closing. recently, I drink coffee, hmmm more headache.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


get my bbb to sit down n I have important decision that needs their confirmation. my plan is - all move to klang by next year. means, royee standard 1 at klang, then angels need to transfer kinder.

picture taken before the sit down talk. coincidentally, angel n royee having the mirror pose :)

bbb are ok with the plan. as long as they are staying together, they are excited. just hoping the kinder that I going to enrol, will be ok, as caring as the current kinder they are in.

laogong asked me how much cost it gonna increased from the current expenses? this is a headache question, coz this is not only double, but at least triple jump on the children education expenses with transportation as well. so, papa n mama needs to work much harder lo~

this weekend, will survey kinder at klang area. hope everything goes well ^^