Thursday, January 29, 2015

Marks of Grace

Singing this hymn in the journey sending children to school. There been up and down in daily life schedule. Feeling physically and mentally tired for hectic schedule. This hymn has comforted me. Wipe off the tears on my face, to start my brand new today with a good breakfast and spreading God love to people around me :)

Standby by the boundless ocean only I realize how small I am
Reaching the mountain top only to realize the sky is higher still
The vastness of the universe amplifies my insignificancy
Like dust vanishes and no one will even notice

Standing in the night sky seem to be smiling down on me
Whispering to me that He seen everything
All my strugglers, my weaknesses and failures
Becoming His marks of grace

In my cry
Jesus hears my prayer
Millions of people yet He cares about my needs
The path of life fills with laughter and tears
Leaving His marks of grace

In the midst of storm
Jesus embraces me
Reminding me that He is forever my refuge
The path of life fills with laughter and tears
Leaving His marks of grace

Ps: pic taken on the day I got my new spec :p

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