angel started this. dancing, jumping, hopping, and singing. then 3 bbb shouted here n there. looked at them so the happy singing, i didnt stop them, but it was sooooooo loud n CUTE n noisy ooo...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
am listening to these @{-----
<<云上太阳 >>
无论是住在 美丽的高山 或是躺卧在 阴暗的幽谷
当你抬起头 你将会发现 主已为你我而预备
云上太阳 它总不改变 虽然小雨撒在你脸上
云上太阳 它总不改变 哈~~它不改变!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
mummy's artist ^_^
and i got this from my parents in law.. tell u.. am so happy about their love n care ^_^
while waiting for the ceremony. now only i know how to make angel sit quiet :p
proud of my gal ^_^ small prize wins mummy heart
prize giving ceremony - angelina
videos on prize giving ceremony for angel ^_^
need to sweet talk 1st..
the only 1 student having 'bodyguard' hmm..
angel wanted to leave the stage immediately.. the teacher hold her tight :p
thanks a lot to the teachers in the kinder. i know they were working hard to sweet talk n persuade angel to go on stage by her own. even the teacher asked me to be prepared and gave time to angel to learn n be confident. thank you very much for all your effort ^_^ am proud of angel, finally she did it. and share the happiness with the teacher ^_^
Friday, August 21, 2009
mummy: ohhhh~~ this is two hundreds
royee: ya la.. teacher needs 1 tissue box and 2 zero zero
mummy: .....
angelic rooster
playing puzzle. the rooster. so non stop both angel and eva singing - gong ji ma xiao ji (papa chick scolding the bb chick).. listen to the ending part, where angel imitate the rooster kokokoko :p
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
to papa from bbb
laogong, these videos are for u... i told bbb 'papa is going to stay oversea for few more days, let's sing songs for papa' then they sat together n sing.. then started la, being nottie.. so enjoy to see them laughing around.. so the cute :D
little mouse.. the 'aiyo~!!' very cute
they wanted this song... 'i love u~ u love me~'
i asked them to say 'papa wo ai ni' then kiss kiss kiss.. -- NG version (only angel did it)
angel n eva -- muak muak muak :*
angels were so 'excited' with royee's 'bye bye' non stop kakakaka..
angel solo~
ya.. 3 monsters in mini jumanzi~
angel laughing lots in the night.. LOVE it :D
singapore merdeka trip
fried chicken, squids, fish, fries..