then we must do all the charity work not bcoz of volunterism n charity, we must do the charity work with emphathy. put ourselves in the ppl shoes. when we get ourselves in the situation, anticipate the thought n the feeling, then the good work that we contribute is sincere and appreciated by others. helping ppl with good n true heart lo.
somemore, dont always think other ppl will do it or wait for other ppl to act on something. we can always be the person to start doing things right. if everyone is waiting for others to tackle the issue, then the issue will never be solved. solves problems and issue with strategic and dont give up easily. there is always alternative option for us to get the things right. so always find strategic to tackel the worse situation.
she also mentioned that we must speak out our mind. dont sweep the problem or unwanted scence to the under carpet. the problem still exist even u dont see it if u dont work on it. go out the world, n see what ppl is doing, then see if we can apply ppl idea in our ownselves. sell our ideas out too!
zhugong, hope u get inspired too~! :) i miss u very much..