Tuesday, February 10, 2015






Above conversation, came from my boy who covered himself with his blanket. He told me there was a room in the school which cater for student who was having troubles and heart burden. Guess, his mind being disturbed, his heart being hurt. He confused about himself. I feel upset when seeing this. I went to his mattress, 'come, let me hug you' I pat him. I asked for his hands, 'let us pray together'..

My eyes gone wet while praying. Singing hymn to sleep him. Closing my eyes and sing, tears dropping at the same time. My boy is grown up. He has more complicated worry and problems in mind compare to last time. He has his own mindset and way of handling his feeling. After all I would say, to try to understand and read the boy mind, wouldn't be that easy anymore.

At the same time, I don't know how to comfort my BIG boy. Guess, tonight laogong and my boy feeling not good too.

Good night. Pray for peaceful night.

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