Tuesday, April 21, 2009

sushi treat for bbb

more stories and details pls click >>> here

bought these 3 colorful plates at rm60 long time ago..
(with laogong's company free isetan voucher)
n the cute sushi moulds, from isetan too. well, rm1-2 extra each from 100yen shop :S

bbb loves to eat rice. white rice will do.
evening, so dont want to let them try new food eg seaweed

bbb favorite!

done! for all :D
sushi : tempura prawn

surprises q-ing up for bbb. they just came back from the BIG playground

royee was excited for the food.. memang cant wait for it..

so the happy!!! i love to see his SMILE :D

1st grab the chocalate! cruel mummy, very seldom allows those junk food :S

the rice become secondary. all comot faces n hands with chocalate :p

royee said 'mummy, i cannot eat the triangle, too sharp' :p

2nd day. sushi: fried mushroom and tuna

inari: meat floss n tuna

Saturday, April 18, 2009

messy fun - fingers n hands painting

wanted to start this long time ago. at last, lazy mummy went n bought some necessary materials for all the home class stuff. saturday morning we started this. bbb were so excited. they chose their colors! so when i asked 'what color is this?' royee answered 'green/red/yellow' for angel, she answered 'gogo de (green)/eva de (red)/mummy de (blue)' :p for eva, she just cant wait everything to be started. i relate the colors to the things near by, 'so we have anything with this color?' then they looked around, pointed to their cloths, the bin... this question can only be asked when we still can see the color, less than 3 min, all mixed up already :p thanks to laogong, having fun with them as well.. :D be the camera man, supporter, n headmaster (marah sini sana) :p

choose the basic color

at 1st, they feel reluctant to dirty up their fingers


non stop i reminding, 'dont dirty up your cloths'
papa 'dont dirty up the wall!'

1 finger..

5 fingers..

hehehe.. this boy, semakin chubby :D

royee, eva, angel

their hand prints

kaki pun ada.. papa tak boleh tahan ooo :p

mummy's face also kena, bbb kakaka :D

angel dreaming for morning milk.. dudu mouth ^0^

messy habis. angel's nose also.. yiaks!

'eeee.. your hand!'

eva cried, she wanted to continue painting

gogo, the story teller 'aiyo, take bath already ma.. next time only play ma'

take time to calm eva down. i told myself, i need to do all those home classes fun with bbb more often. and bring them out more often. so they feel secured, and dont always cry bcoz of they dont know when would be the 'next time' :~ n i hope i can be more healthy, so i can have more quality time with them ^_^

Friday, April 17, 2009

bday30 - bday card from nana

few days after my bday, nana asked me if i had received her letter to me, she said, i supposed to receive the courrier on 13/4/09. hmmm feeling touched n thanks for her thought. check here n there, finally i got it! thanks nana, u r memang such a darling kawan to me :D your bday wishes n note, memang cheer me up~


Thursday, April 16, 2009

maths class

one of the nights. we sing n 'colouring'. i printed some maths activity for preschool bbb. all the questions answered correctly by royee, big vs small, many vs less.. then the colouring part started. they enjoyed it. but somehow, as usual, the fun ended with fighting for color pencils n more papers :( anyway, mummy wont give up lo.. still searching those education aids from net..

busy with own activity paper

good bbb
started to ask for more color pencils from siblings..

eva cried. angel buat hal. gogo became story teller..

Monday, April 13, 2009

bday30 - simple celebration with laogong

at 1st laogong said want to bring me to subang or somewhere at kl makan makan one, but i missed bbb so much. so i told him to eat simple one. raining day, i feel to eat something hot, steamboat! who knows, the only steamboat restaurant at banting, has been closed down. no more?! then i said, hmm we go fu jian restaurant la, we seldom eat there, so can consider special lo :D nice makan makan there :D
chicky one :p

fried oyster-egg, yam basket, nasi goreng

prawn salad. i like this!

me old old neh..
few friends n colleagues asking how laogong celebrate my bday ar? what i got from him as bday gift aaa. hehe.. well, i got sony new digital cybershot camera from laogong. frankly, am happy for this camera, but i am not super excited, bcoz, laogong has wrongly bought the camera. i was was dreaming to have sony alpha dslr camera. i know there are lots more nice professional camera brands, but why sony? i dont know, i just heart to SONY :D
taling about this new camera, hmm the functions n spec are a bit more advanced than my current t-cybershot, laogong non stop saying, u learn how to control the picture quality 1st before u have a better professional camera, or else, u dont know how to use the much advanced camera in the future. ok lo, let me study n take nice shot with the new camera 1st. n hoping, next time i can get a nice dslr camera lo :p anyway, thanks laogong :D

me n bday gift

thanks laogong n bbb for sweet closing of my bday :*

bday30 - songs from bb

when i reached home, royee was so happy to see me. then he hold my hand n bring me in the house. i said 'come, sing mummy a nice song' then he 'i love u, u love me, we r happy family..' i sat down, brought my camera out, 'royee, today is mummy's birthday ma' then i got this video clip recorded.. laogong said, the best bday gift for u~ yes, so lovely n happy ^_^

royee singing happily

angel was sleeping. so 4 of us sharing the video clip. eva non stop kekeke laughing. then i asked eva to sing bday song for mummy. she giving me very shy face. then she said no~ then i said, u sing, i love u? no~ twinkle twinkle little star? no~ hmm bangun pagi, gosok gigi? then she felt excited oooo.. then i recorded down. normally when sing this songs, angel n eva would do all the actions one, but this one, eva was so shy.. :p

eva shy shy ooo~

after all the singing n photo taking, i sleepkan them. before i switched of the light, i heard eva sings 'zhu ni shen ri kuai le~ zhu ni shen ri kuai le~' (chinese version bday song) soooo sweet neh! i just diam diam n listened to the song, then kissed her again before i switched off the light :)

am a happy mummy :D love my bbb :*

bday30 - mehmeh outing

this is super emergency leave. 10am+ when i was having discussion, sis asking me, why u never take leave today, or else we can go out jalan jalan one. i said, haiyo, why u never cakap one, today i meamng got no mood to work ma. 'then u take half day la' well, it was nearly 11am. take half day? hmmm but when 2 sisters are together hor, the evil horns would come out definitely one. i was so paiseh to ask my boss about the leave, he was just sitting beside me. n in fact, i have only 6 days leave left..
discussion finished for my part, i went back to my workstation. got some 'courage n support' from my sis, then i chose to sms my boss. new boss. 'sorry to disturb, i would like to take half day leave today to meet my sis. sorry for late notification. is it ok with u?' feeling nervous after sending out the sms. it was 11:40am. within a while, boss came to me, 'do u have any urgent work pending? if u have any urgent doc then u pass it to ida. ok lo, u can go after this... btw, can u take half day in the system? if cannot, then u accumulate the balance half day. u see how la har' tell u, i was soooooo touched n appreciated this! so after this, i will work hard la :p
after lunch with my colleague, 1pm+ i took train from kl sentral to subang jaya station. this time, i managed to get in the train after 20min waiting. reached subang jaya, met sis. feeling good. n sis wearing the baju kurung caught my eyes. helo~ mau pergi jalan jalan they wearing like this? sis said, i didnt know ma, mana tau take half day wor.. i said, ok la, at least u r not with the high heel :p
we went to sunway pyramid. window shopping then makan! food n food n food. but we were sharing all the yummy food la. so we wont feel guilty :p after meeting sis, i felt happy ooo.. then happily left sunway pyramid at 7pm n took train back to kl sentral. once i reached subang jaya train station, then the train was coming, so i did speed run for exercise of the day :D

more stories click >>> here

at waffle world

look 'matured' hor

many ppl looking at us :p

chocalate waffer with berry ice cream. superb!

bought myself a gold chain. got rm625 subsidised from government :p
collected the petrol subsidiary, didnt want to waste it, so buy something to keep
age 30 bday gift for myself!

taiwanese food

mango sago with black pulut

nice lo ^_^

acted young in this shop!

kekekeke.. :p